Altitude MMA

Altitude MMA
Join the best team around, Altitude MMA!

September 15, 2011

Never been so excited!

Dang it's been a crazy few weeks!  Been out of the ordinary for sure but made way for some huge and welcomed changes.  This last year has no doubt been unpredictable! Had some big ups and some unanticipated lows... sometimes the quality of life comes down to ones ability to weather storms and bounce back.  Sometimes you gotta have the discipline even if uncomfortable to put the trash on the curb and make room for new possibilities.  You do this and although you may let go of some comfort and feel some uncertainty  it is an absolute necessity if you intend to grow without burden.  We gotta decide what we want and pursue it relentlessly. Nose to the grindstone!

September 2, 2011

A new wind!

Sometimes things happen so slowly issues slip through our awareness.  In the the hustle and bustle small things pass through our radar displaying relatively low risk or are undetected entirely.  We get distracted with what appears to be the most important issue of today until those small things have added up into something substantial and force our focus to be placed upon them.  When change arrives, opportunity has too.  Change offers us the ability to decide the direction of our future.  We can decide our circle of influence. We can re-evaluate our purpose and adjust accordingly to ensure we are on track to meet our objectives.  Change offers the purest form of opportunity.  We can design from the ground up on a clean slate and with discipline bring about whatever it is that we seek.